Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Umami - The Fifth Taste

 We can all identify sweet, sour, salty, and bitter tastes without much trouble.  Mention lemons or caramels and you immediately know which is which.

What we’re learning now is that there is a fifth taste – umami.  A chemistry professor in Tokyo first discovered that our taste buds are capable of discerning umami.  Loosely translated, it means ‘delicious essence’ and can be identified as a savory or meaty taste.  Think aged cheese, mushrooms, prosciutto, soy sauce, and vine-ripened tomatoes.

Evelyn Turner, entrepreneur

The Easy Entrée



1 comment:

  1. Thank you Evelyn for the name of the word - Umami -
    There is so much we are still learning about ourselves. I suspect we have senses we don't even know about. What is it that makes the law of attraction work? How is it that just thinking of something makes it possible?


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