Social Networking is a new adaptation of an old tool. As an individual wanting to connect with new people of common interest you might join a club like the local chapter of the Sierra Club, a church or an orchid gardeners club. As a small business person serving a local community you know that one of the best ways to spread the word is by good old fashioned word of mouth. This is traditional "social networking."
In the virtual world of the Internet "social networking" takes on a new meaning and is supported with new and powerful tools that allow us to connect "face to face" on the World Wide Web. We can meet others through our Facebook accounts. YouTube brings us the power of video allowing others to see us in motion, hear our voice and see virtually anything we choose to present. We can be serious or funny, read poetry or demonstrate a new product. We connect or network with others in a very human and social way.
By John Sedgwick
Focus Northwest Co President
Hi all
ReplyDeleteIs this where the 200 word limit comes in?
Right you are! Thanks for the nudge, I just edited the post down to 170 words!
Thanks for posting this John, You are so right. Much of our social networking takes time and effort and thankfully we have blogs to keep up with folks in our industry and personal areas. I look forward to our YouTubes coming to a desktop near you!