Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Growing Your Business the Obama Way!

GROWING Your Business Using Other People's Money!
(Getting in on the Obama Stimulus for Small Businesses)
FREE BUSINESS MIXER: Wednesday April 8, 5-7pm 

Local folks who have viable businesses needing growth capital to expand your business, buy or build a business, or just improve your operation need apply! You will walk away with a kit and a solid grounding on how to approach your lender and get the money you so richly deserve. Tap into the Stimulus Plan via Small Business Association, Private Investors and Regional Banks who are committed to the spirit of local entrepreneurship.

Regular mixers will be announced. Ideas will be exchanged, investors will be on hand to answer questions. For more information, call Loannetter: 360 647 8822

Non alcoholic beverages offered   

OK, to find out where this happening is happening you have to join biznik first...what a GREAT idea! CLICK now and and check out the amazing social and I mean social network coming to a town or coffee shop near you!



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