Sunday, February 22, 2009

Listing in a Home Improvement Guide

Hi Annette
If Allstate Insurance is interested in listing in the Home Improvement Resource Guide you will be in good company as many other businesses see the value of listing in a co-op publication which gives your business much more exposure than providing information on your own. Listing in this guide automatically puts Allstate on a website where you will find all kinds of businesses available to help people live in a more comfortable and efficient way. There are also tips available online so people can discover why improving one's home is a great way to invest your money while enjoying the investment by living in it. We are here to show your business in the best light possible. Free distribution though out the North Puget Sound area guarantees that homeowners will pick it up by their own choice and may subscribe if interested. We appreciate your interest in this product and welcome your comments.
Ellen Clark, listings director

1 comment:

  1. Is the home improvement guide something that would include green items such as a solar attic fan?


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