Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not All Fruit Juices Are Created Equal

Soda or fruit juice?  Most of us know we should reach for the fruit juice but which one?  Turns out not all of them are created equal.

Health magazine reports that a UCLA study has ranked the top 10 fruit juices based on their levels of disease-fighting antioxidants.

1. Pomegranate juice
2. Red wine
3. Concord grape juice
4. Blueberry juice
5. Black cherry juice
6. Açaí juice
7. Cranberry juice
8. Orange juice
9. Tea
10. Apple juice

So when the urge hits to grab a soda, turn to one of these juices instead.  You'll be more satisfied and give your body something good for it.  Of course, no single food is the answer to health.  Be sure to watch the natural sugars in these juices and don't skimp on water. 

Evelyn Turner, owner

The Easy Entrée





  1. Evelyn,

    Thanks for the information on juices. Does it matter whether the juice is from a frozen concentrate, bottled or fresh squeezed?

    Also, I'm glad to see red wine on the list - maybe not for breakfast though! :)

    Lin Nelson

  2. Wow, thanks Evelyn! Good news, glad to know wine is considered to be juice! :-)

    John Sedgwick


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