Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The scent of home

A light and pleasing scent can go a long way in affecting mood in your home. It helps put people at ease and makes your home more comfortable and inviting. The smell of fresh baked cookies can help sell a home as it increases the comfort level and stirs fond memories. A clean home is the base point but people go many directions beyond that. Plug-ins, incense, scented candles and diffusers are the most common. I prefer to keep the scent light and not use energy doing it. So I eliminate the first two. Since I like natural things I am picky with the last two.

Many candles are petroleum/paraffin based and actually increase the pollutants inside your home. I recommend 100% beeswax candles. They drip less and burn slower because the wax melts at a higher temperature than other candles. But they also give off negative ions as they burn which bond with the pollutants in the air, making them heavy so they actually clean the air in your home. They smell great also!

If diffusers are your preference then make sure you get those which have pure ingredients. There are many out on the market which have preservatives to prolong the shelf life. Those diffusers can give you or your guests headaches. That isn't very welcoming. Again choose a light scent as many people can react adversely to a stronger scent.
Enjoy your scent quest. It will enhance your home and possibly the relationships therein.

Holly Barbo
Barbo Furniture
Bellingham, WA

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